Why It’s Important to Vaccinate Your Dog

by | Sep 1, 2022 | Pet Resort

How Often Should Your Dog Be Vaccinated?

  • Although it is recommended by a veterinarian that your pup be vaccinated every three years or sooner based on their health and lifestyle, there are several other vaccines that vets recommend getting a booster for every year to protect them effectively. For example, Rabies, Canine parovirus, Distemper, and Canine hepatitis are some of the most important. If you are frequently taking your dogs to dog parks, a doggie daycare, or lodging your dog, these are especially important, and a lot of times required.

What Age Should I Vaccinate My Puppy?

  • According to veterinarian’s, puppies should receive three rounds of vaccines to be fully protected. The first round is recommended at 6-8 weeks old, again at 12 weeks, and then 16 weeks. These include the core vaccines, which are DHLPP (distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvo, and parainfluenza).

Do I still need to vaccinate my dog if they are past 10 years old?

  • Older babies have a less likely chance of developing these infectious diseases if they were effectively vaccinated at a younger age and developed an immune response. But that doesn’t mean there is no risk for an older pet. For example, older dogs are extremely susceptible to Canine Cough, it is a very serious and common sickness that dogs of all ages can contract, this can lead to serious upper respiratory infections, or pneumonia.


  • Therefore, it’s so important that our fur babies are getting the needed vaccines your vet recommends to keep them safe and healthy. Nobody wants a sick doggo and it starts with these steps. Once vaccinated, Meadowlake offers puppy and adult daycare. It is a great way for your fur babies to have appropriate play, positive socialization, and an enriching environment to make sure they are having a fun and educational experience every time they come to visit! Call us TODAY at 713.413.1633 to schedule a reservation!